Thursday, December 26, 2019

Certificado naturalización todas las dudas resueltas

El Certificado de naturalizacià ³n –conocido en inglà ©s como Certificate of Naturalization o por el nà ºmero N-550– es el documento que reciben los migrantes despuà ©s de jurar lealtad a los Estados Unidos al finalizar el proceso de adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense mediante el trà ¡mite de la naturalizacià ³n. El certificado, tambià ©n conocido como Carta de naturalizacià ³n, debe revisarse con atencià ³n en ese momento. Si hubiera algà ºn error debe comunicarse a un oficial del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En ese momento podrà ¡ corregirse gratuitamente. Usos del Certificado de Naturalizacià ³n:  ¿se puede viajar con este documento? El papel fundamental del Certificado de Naturalizacià ³n es que sirve para acreditar que su titular ha dejado de ser un extranjero por las autoridades de los Estados Unidos y se ha convertido en ciudadano estadounidense de pleno derecho, con todos los derechos, libertades y obligaciones.   Precisamente, porque este Certificado acreditar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense sirve, entre otros, para los siguientes trà ¡mites: Sacar el pasaporte estadounidense por primera vezCompletar el formulario   I-9 sobre derecho a trabajar Solicitar un Real I.D.Pedir la tarjeta de residencia a un familiar Respecto a este à ºltimo punto, cabe destacar que el formulario I-130, por el que se inicia el proceso de pedir los papeles a un familiar pide seà ±alar expresamente si se tiene un Certificado de naturalizacià ³n. En el caso de contestar afirmativamente, se debe consignar su nà ºmero y la fecha de emisià ³n, datos que se pueden encontrar en el propio documento.  ¿Viajar presentando el Certificado de Naturalizacià ³n como I.D.? La Administracià ³n de Seguridad en el Transporte (TSA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) no lista al Certificado de Naturalizacià ³n entre los documentos que permiten embarcar un avià ³n para viajar domà ©sticamente dentro de EE.UU. Sin embargo, puede admitir excepciones y permitir volar cuando se puede establecer de algà ºn modo, a satisfaccià ³n de la TSA, la identidad del viajero. Por otro lado, los ciudadanos estadounidenses que viajan internacionalmente por avià ³n deben utilizar el pasaporte como à ºnico documento que les permite regresar a EE.UU. Por otro lado, en los viajes internacionales de regreso a EE.UU. por tierra o por mar con origen en Mà ©xico o Canadà ¡ los menores de 15 aà ±os pueden utilizar el Certificado de Naturalizacià ³n para ingresar al paà ­s. Lo mismo aplica a los muchachos entre 16 y 18 aà ±os de edad que han viajado en grupo escolar, religioso o cultural a Mà ©xico o Canadà ¡ bajo la supervisià ³n de un adulto y regresan por tierra o mar a EE.UU. Reemplazo del Certificado de naturalizacià ³n y cuà ¡nto cuesta Puede ser necesario solicitar el reemplazo del Certificado de naturalizacià ³n por diversas causas. Por ejemplo, el certificado ha sufrido daà ±os, se ha extraviado o, incluso, porque el titular cambia su nombre por matrimonio, divorcio o cambia de gà ©nero. En estos casos, se puede solicitar que el USCIS emita un nuevo certificado rellenando el formulario N-565, lo cual puede hacer online o en papel. Junto con el formulario deben adjuntarse dos fotografà ­as idà ©nticas tipo pasaporte, una copia del documento original, si està ¡ daà ±ado o cuando se solicita un cambio en el mismo y documentacià ³n que pruebe la razà ³n por la que se pide la nueva copia. Por ejemplo, si el Certificado de naturalizacià ³n fue robado, extraviado o deteriorado, una denuncia en la Policà ­a o una declaracià ³n jurada que asà ­ lo afirme. Si se solicita un cambio de nombre, gà ©nero o correccià ³n de un error tipogrà ¡fico, debe enviarse el documento que lo prueba. Debe traducirse al inglà ©s cualquier documento en otro idioma y certificar dicha traduccià ³n mediante una carta. La tarifa actual de costo de reemplazo del Certificado de Naturalizacià ³n es de $555 por la gestià ³n. Si se està ¡ pasando por una à ©poca de dificultades econà ³micas, podrà ­a ser posible, si se cumplen los requisitos, aplicar para no tener que pagar estar tarifa a USCIS. El USCIS entregarà ¡ el nuevo certificado al titular del mismo en persona, a su representante legal o utilizarà ¡ correo certificado o registrado para la entrega. A diferencia del Certificado de Naturalizacià ³n original que tà ©cnicamente recibe el nombre de N-550, el certificado reemplazado recibe el de N-570. Copia certificada o autenticada del Certificado de naturalizacià ³n La embajada o consulados del paà ­s original del migrante que se convierte en ciudadano estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n puede requerir una copia certificada del Certificado de naturalizacià ³n para hacer constar la doble nacionalidad. En estos casos, la copia, que se conoce en inglà ©s como Certified True Copy, puede obtenerse de dos maneras. Solicitar a USCIS una copia certificada El primer paso es cerrar una cita con la oficina local de USCIS. Para ello, se debe utilizar el servicio online de InfoPass. El dà ­a de la cita, presentarse con el Certificado de naturalizacià ³n original, una fotocopia del mismo y un documento de identificacià ³n como, por ejemplo, el pasaporte americano o la licencia de manejar del estado en el que se reside. El oficial de USCIS verificarà ¡ la documentacià ³n y entregarà ¡ el original y la Certified True Copy del mismo. Solicitar una copia autenticada o apostillada al Departamento de Estado El Departamento de Estado puede emitir una copia con la Apostilla de la Haya del Certificado de Naturalizacià ³n o una copia autenticada, en este à ºltimo caso para utilizar en los paà ­ses que no son miembros de la Convencià ³n de la Hay de 1961. Para ello dirigirse a la oficina de Autenticacià ³n del Departamento de Estado. La direccià ³n es: United States Department of State, Office of Authentications1150 Passport Services Place, 1st FloorDulles, VA 20189-1150 O marcar al telà ©fono 202-647-4000, Opcià ³n 3 o 202-485-8000 El formulario para solicitar la certificacià ³n o apostilla es el DS-4194. El costo es de $8 por documento. Diferencia entre Certificado de naturalizacià ³n y Certificado de ciudadanà ­a El Certificado o carta de naturalizacià ³n es el documento que se entrega a los migrantes que completan el proceso de naturalizacià ³n y adquieren asà ­ la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense. El certificado de ciudadanà ­a, por otra parte, es el documento que prueba la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense de aquellas personas que adquirieron la nacionalidad de EE.UU. a travà ©s de su padre o de su madre. Ambos documentos sirven para acreditar la ciudadanà ­a, pero demuestran distintas formas de adquisicià ³n de la misma. Tips sobre el Certificado de naturalizacià ³n En la actualidad, este documento cuenta con importantes medidas de seguridad que dificultan su falsificacià ³n. Por ejemplo, la foto del nuevo ciudadano aparece digitalizada, la firma forma parte intrà ­nseca del certificado y la tinta con la que se imprime cambia de color. Siguen siendo và ¡lidos los Certificados de naturalizacià ³n que carecen de esas caracterà ­sticas, por haberse emitido con anterioridad a 2010. Con carà ¡cter general es ilegal fotocopiar el Certificado de naturalizacià ³n. Sin embargo, puede y debe hacerse cuando USCIS u otra oficina del gobierno es quien solicita una copia. Por ejemplo, cuando el nuevo ciudadano solicita una visa para su prometido o novia, o cuando pide una green card para un familiar. Aà ºn en estos casos, algunos abogados recomiendan que la fotocopia se realice en blanco y negro y que en la parte blanca del margen se anote This is a copy for USCIS purposes. Ademà ¡s, en algunas ceremonias de naturalizacià ³n, los agentes del USCIS seà ±alan que el certificado sà ­ se puede fotocopiar pero sà ³lo en blanco y negro y sà ³lo para que su titular lo guarde y tener una copia si el original se pierde. Ademà ¡s, procurar  no doblar el certificado. Con el paso del tiempo podrà ­a hacer que partes del documento se hagan difà ­ciles de leer. Tampoco se debe enmarcar. Las oficinas del gobierno sà ³lo lo pueden aceptar como documento si no està ¡ enmarcado. Es necesario poder tocar el certificado. Si tiene que ir a la Embajada o al consulado de su paà ­s de nacimiento para registrar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense, no permitir  que marquen, grapen o escriban en el certificado. Si lo hacen, el certificado se considera daà ±ado y hay que pedir su reemplazo. Puntos clave: Certificado de naturalizacià ³n El Certificado de Naturalizacià ³n se entrega a los migrantes que completan el proceso de adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n.Acredita la ciudadanà ­a estadounidenseNo debe confundirse con el Certificado de ciudadanà ­aPuede solicitarse su reemplazo por extravà ­o, deterioro, error o cambio de nombre o gà ©nero.Copia certificada (Certified True Copy): puede solicitarse a USCIS Copia autenticada o la Apostilla de la Haya: solicitarla al Departamento de Estado. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Theories Of Primary Language Acquisition - 2337 Words

Two theories of primary language acquisition emerged from 1950s psychological research: B.F. Skinner’s behaviorist theory and Noam Chomsky’s biological theory of language development. Primary language acquisition addresses specifically the way in which an infant’s native language is beginning to form, starting at birth. Primary language acquisition continues to develop throughout the rest of childhood within the critical period. Skinner argued that children acquire and develop language based purely on the behaviorist theory, which states behaviors are developed and focused around conditioning. If a certain behavior produces a positive outcome, the individual is more likely to repeat that behavior. However, if a certain behavior produces a negative outcome, the individual is less likely to repeat that specific behavior. Conditioning, whether classical or operant, was the sole basis on which children acquired language. In his Verbal Behavior, Skinner gives the following example: â€Å"Out! Has the same ultimate effect as turning the knob and pushing against the door. The explanation of both behaviors is the same.† (Skinner, 1949, p. 35) In this form of operant conditioning, â€Å"Each response is acquired and continues to be maintained in strength because it is frequently followed by an appropriate consequence.† (Skinner, 1949, p. 35) Because â€Å"Out!† is followed by the â€Å"appropria te consequence,† i.e., successfully opening and leaving through the door, the behavior is likely to beShow MoreRelatedInnateness of Children’s Language Acquisition1371 Words   |  6 PagesThe subtlety of language acquisition has been the most fundamental question in the study of linguistics and human development. From Bow-wow Theory to Yo-He-Ho Theory, major theories on the origins and learnability of language have emerged in mid-20th century and heavily debated ever since. Among them, the idea of universal grammar in which is usually credited to linguist Noam Chomsky, remains the most notable and controversial theory over time. He introduced and developed the theory from 1950s to 1970sRead MoreThe subtlety of language acquisition has been the most fundamental question in the study of1500 Words   |  6 PagesThe subtlety of language acquisition has been the most fundamental question in the study of linguistics and human development. From Bow-wow Theory to Yo-He-Ho T heory, the major theories on language origins and learnability emerged at mid-20th century and has been heavily debated ever since. Among them, the idea of universal grammar in which is usually credited to linguist Noam Chomsky, remains the most notable and controversial theory over time. He introduced and developed the t heory from 1950sRead MoreDiversity And Cultural Issues Of Tesol Education1545 Words   |  7 Pagesstrategies, and approaches for engaging English language learners were examined. Students all over the world learn English for a variety of reasons. Some students must study English as a requirement. Other students may wish to travel, study abroad, or work in the global marketplace where knowledge of the English language is seen as a prerequisite for success. Still other students have migrated to communities where English is spoken as the primary language. A school’s curriculum may be taught exclusivelyRead MoreInterpersonal Communication Skills And Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency1608 Words   |  7 PagesDescribe basic interpersonal communication skills and cognitive academic language proficiency from your own understanding (1’). †¢ Interpersonal communication skills, for me is the ability to speak to one another in a form that will allow us to exchange ideas, thoughts, information and emotions. If I had to explain this form of communication in one word I would say â€Å" Chat† this is because in a chat you are to swap and discuss a topic that is either important to you or the listener, or about somethingRead MoreSociocultural Theory And Second Language Learning902 Words   |  4 PagesSociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning â€Å"Language is the most pervasive and powerful cultural artefact that humans possess to mediate their connection to the world, to each other, and to themselves† [Lantolf Thorne 2006:201]. The idea of mediation inherent in this notion of the language is a fundamental element of Sociocultural Theory [SCT], one of the most influential approach to learning and mental development since 1990s’, drawing on its origin from the work of soviet psychologistRead MoreThe Identity Of Saudi Arabia900 Words   |  4 Pages2013). Seeing the language as social practice, we consider its influenced and influencing on our identity. Moreover, in language learning and/or acquisition, identity is subject to change and struggle. For a first look, Saudi Arabia lacks the diversity in concern of languages that other countries have, such as the United States and Canada. However, this monolingual situation is deceivable. Hence, there is a language diversity that need to be addressed and discussed. Mehri language is one of the familyRead MoreChild‚Äà ¬Adult Differences in Second-Language Phonological Learning: the Role of Cross-Language Similarity1188 Words   |  5 PagesDifferences in Second-Language Phonological Learning: The Role of Cross-Language Similarity† examines an explanation of why it is easier for children than adults to acquire a second language other than the concept that a person has critical neurological periods where he is more able to assimilate a language. The idea examined is called â€Å"Interaction Hypothesis† (IH.) This concept is that a person’s first and second languages interact with each other. As an individual ages, his first language becomes a strongerRead MoreCritically evaluate Gardner and Lambert’s theory of instrumental and integrative motivation as a key influencing factor in Second Language Acquisition980 Words   |  4 PagesCritically evaluate Gardner and Lambert’s theory of instrumental and in tegrative motivation as a key influencing factor in Second Language Acquisition During the process of studying second language, Gardner and Lambert’s theory about instrumental and integrative motivation has a significant impact on different learners. As Falk (2000; cited in Norris-Holt, 2001) states that if learners aim to develop relationship with foreign friends or comprehend lyrics in popular song, which means that theseRead MoreHow Do Humans Acquire Language?1332 Words   |  6 PagesDo Humans Acquire Language? Humans live in a world full of communication. Humans possess a native language that separates them from other animals. Language is developed within the first few years of a person s life. By the time one is a child; he can speak and understand almost as well as an adult. Children world-wide exhibit similar patterns of language acquisition even though they may be learning different languages. How humans learn even the most complicated languages has perplexed theRead MoreEssay about How Do Humans Acquire Language?1294 Words   |  6 PagesAcquire Language? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Humans live in a world full of communication. Humans possess a native language that separates them from other animals. Language is developed within the first few years of a person’s life. By the time one is a child; he can speak and understand almost as well as an adult. Children world-wide exhibit similar patterns of language acquisition even though they may be learning different languages. How humans learn even the most complicated languages has perplexed

Monday, December 9, 2019

I Am Attracted to the Graduate Program in Genetics Essay Example For Students

I Am Attracted to the Graduate Program in Genetics Essay Graduate Admissions Essays I Am Attracted to the Graduate Program in Genetics Essay Excited by the idea of becoming a scientist since I was a small child, my interests in pursuing graduate studies intensified during my undergraduate education and my research experience. Rather than discouraging me with the tremendous amount of work and demands for creativity, my college years motivated me to earn a Ph.D. and to continue pursuing a career as a research scientist. Although my exact research goals have yet to be refined, my interests include studying the genetic basis of disease and the genetic mechanisms that govern various cellular processes, such as the cell cycle, apoptosis, and tumor formation. Although I entered college without a clear research direction, the Biotechnology Program at Rochester Institute of Technology helped develop my interest in the field of Genetics. I found much of my laboratory training at RIT to be extremely rewarding. For example, one experience that early on convinced me to seriously consider genetics was a project involving the construction and characterization of a recombinant plasmid. Since I worked independently for the most part, the project played a key role in increasing my confidence and helping me to understand various concepts pertaining to genetic analysis. It was this experience that motivated me to seek a position as a teacher s assistant for a course in Microbial and Viral Genetics. As a TA, I learned how demanding the teaching situation is and how much teaching a course can contribute to my own learning. By this time, after discovering my passion for research and the joy of teaching, I began to seriously contemplate graduate schools. To excel in graduate school, I decided I would not limit my experience to my formal education at RIT. Instead, I wanted the opportunity to explore my career options to make a well-informed decision as to the area of my future research. With these goals in mind, I chose to take advantage of RIT s Cooperative Education Program, which meant earning my Bachelor s degree in five years instead of four. In December of 1997,Astra Arcus USA Pharmaceuticals hired me as a research assistant in the Electrophysiology department. At Astra, I learned research techniques not taught by RIT. For the past year, I have been working with a subset of neuronal glutamate receptors via voltage clamping on Xenopus oocytes. The research of our lab is geared toward the study of central nervous system diseases. Working with Astra and earning an education in biotechnology from RIT sparked my interest in learning more about the genetic basis of disease. On a personal level, I ve gained quite a bit from my cooperative experience. Confident in my ability to adapt to new environments and learn techniques that I have never encountered, I have also learned a great deal about the nature of private-sector research and the lifestyle of the researchers. Familiar with the amount of dedication and hard work essential to project advancement, I am more focused on my goal of becoming an excellent researcher than I ever have been. No stranger to the frustration and disappointment inherent in research work, I am spurred on by the thrill of discovery. I find a great deal of enjoyment working in research and plan to stay at Astra through the summer of 2005. I feel that my course work as a Biotechnology major at RIT and my research experience at Astra have adequately prepared me for graduate study. Eager to continue my education and improve upon my weaknesses, I am particularly interested in becoming more familiar with emerging technologies relating to genetics and in gaining more exposure in working with eukaryotic genomes. Most importantly, I want to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to design and perform research according to my interests in genetics and disease. .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 , .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .postImageUrl , .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 , .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:hover , .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:visited , .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:active { border:0!important; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:active , .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Political Supreme Court EssayWith these broad interests and specific goals, I am very attracted to the Graduate Program in Genetics at Duke University. With great flexibility in choosing a degree, the program would suit me well. At Duke, I would welcome the opportunity to explore my interests in Cell Biology, Neurobiology, Pharmacology, and Cancer Biology. .

Monday, December 2, 2019

Medieval Music Essays - Medieval Music, Chants, Catholic Music

Medieval Music Music of the Middle Ages made great advancements through the centuries, which many are still evident today. The Christian Church effected the development of music greatly during the middle ages. The first major type of music of this time was chanting. ?The early Christians inherited the Jewish chants of synagogues.?(Bishop-324) Chants didn't have constant rhythm, every note was about the same length. They had only one melody ,usually in the major key of C. All the singers sang the same notes together, this is called monophonic. Chants became an significant part of the church service, they were sung throughout the mass. These first chants were just sung by the congregation, later on choirs took over. ?Roman Chant became known as Gregorian chant after Pope Gregory I, the great, who may have composed some of the melodies and who actively encouraged an orderly, ritualized use of music by the church.?(MS Encarta-1) He also supported the schola cantorum, a singing school, to teach boys how to chant. During the ninth century many musicians began to use more than unaccompanied melody. A new type of chant was formed called organom. Organum was two octaves of chanting simultaneously. ?Organum was important to the history of music, because it was the first step toward the development of the musical texture known as polyphony (multipart music) the extensive use of which is the most distinctive feature of Western music.? (MS Encarta-1) Around the twelfth century Organum was mostly being developed in France, but the English did have their own version called gymel. If musicians were to chant many pitches at the same time, they needed a more accurate musical notation. Before this, the notation being used wasn't precise at all. ?Music notation was originally merely a set of small marks, a sort of short hand, written above the words to indicate the rise and fall of the voice and changes in emphasis, without specifying the duration of the notes or the exact pitch.?(Bishop-325) The new way of writing musical notes was black squares and diamonds attached to little poles on a staff of four or five lines, very similar to how we write music today. Music, during the fourteenth century, made great changes in style. ?The new style was called ars nova (Latin, ?new art?) by one of it's leading composers, the French prelate Philippe de Vitry. The resulting music was more complex than any previously written, reflecting a new spirit in Europe that emphasized human resourcefulness and ingenuity.?(MS Encarta-2) De Vitry also invented the earliest version of the time signature, making it easier to play and write more complicated patterns. Ars nova composers began to repeat the same patterns of either one or more voice parts, usually from Gregorian chant, throughout the piece. Over that they would put other melodies making it polyphonic. ?Nonreligious, or secular, music was composed by wandering poets who sang of chivalry and courtly love in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.?(Comptons-1) Some of these musicians made a living of singing, others did it for the enjoyment. These singers, Troubadours and Goliards, didn't have a wide range of singing styles. Over 2,000 of these songs have been written and saved in old documents made after the twelfth century though. ?The musician of the early Middle Ages seems usually to have been minstrel either resident in a large establishment or traveling from establishment to another, singing the lays and sagas to his own accompaniment.?(Montagu-19) Musicians were needed to support other types of entertainment as well. Acrobats would perform to music, just like jugglers, and dancing bears. Poor workers didn't have much to do for entertainment except for music. They would tell stories to music or have people sing while they danced. They probably sang while working together too, like a type of sea chantey. Even though they were enjoyed by many people, musicians were still considered a very low class. Many of the first instruments of the early Middle Ages were taken from the earlier Roman Empire, or from other cultures around the world. One string instrument used a lot was the lyre. ?It is possible that the lyre was carried into northern Europe from Constantinople during the late Roman Empire, for many of the Byzantime armies, especially the Imperial Bodyguard, were recruited from the northern peoples.?(Montagu-13) During the early medieval times it was played by plucking the strings with a plectrum or fingers,. Later in the tenth century bows became more popular and the lyre was also played with one. The

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka and Its Decision essays

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka and It's Decision essays There have been many attempts to look at the decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka and claim it was erroneous in some respect. One of the most often used is the social policy' argument. Some constitutional scholars believe that the Supreme Court went too far in the decision, far beyond deciding the single issue involved. That issue concerned the need for an African American little girl to go to a black school that required of her a dangerous walk through a rail yard rather than a pleasant walk to a closer school that was all white. It is easy to argue that any decision of any reasonably lofty court in the land makes social policy decisions without benefit of election. Indeed, even lowly courtscity courts in small townsmake social policy decisions by virtue of the need to interpret the law when passing judgment or imposing sentences. A judge in a small town in New York State, for example, gives everyone convicted in his court the lightest possible sentence, 60 days plus two years of parole. Why' Because he knows the career criminals will violate their parole, and then it's an automatic five years up the river, no appeal, no questions asked. (Personal knowledge via In effect, that judge is making social policy. Therefore, criticism of the unanimous ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka on the grounds that it made social policy is relatively ludicrous. If it is all right for small courts in small towns to make social policy by engineering its use of statutory punishments, then assuredly it would be even more acceptable when the arguably wisest judicial minds sitting on the bench in the United States do the same thing. If the Court did make social policyas arguably it didthere is every reason to believe that the society was ready for the policy being made. The...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Haym Salomon, American Revolution Spy and Financier

Haym Salomon, American Revolution Spy and Financier Born to a Sephardic Jewish family in Poland, Haym Salomon emigrated to New York during the American Revolution. His work in support of the American Revolution- first as a spy, and later brokering loans- helped the patriots win the war. Fast Facts: Haym Salomon Also Known As: Chaim SalomonKnown For: Former spy and financial broker who worked in support of the American Revolution. Born: April 7, 1740 in Leszno, PolandDied: January 6, 1785 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Early Years Haym Salomon (born Chaim Salomon) was born on April 7, 1740 in Leszno, Poland. His family was part of a group of Sephardic Jews descended from Spanish and Portuguese immigrants. As a young man, Haym traveled all over Europe; like many Europeans, he spoke several languages. In 1772, Salomon left Poland, following the country’s partitioning that essentially removed its status as a sovereign nation. He decided to try his luck in the British colonies, and he emigrated to New York City. War and Espionage By the time the American Revolution broke out, Salomon had already established himself as a businessman and financial broker in New York City. At some point in the 1770s, he became involved in the patriot movement and joined the Sons of Liberty, a secret organization that fought against British taxation policies. Salomon had a supply contract with the patriot army, and at some point in 1776, he was arrested in New York by the British for espionage. Although it is not known for certain that Salomon was a spy, the British authorities seem to have thought so. However, they decided to spare him from the traditional death sentence for spies. Instead, they offered him a pardon in exchange for his linguistic services. The British officers needed translators to communicate with their Hessian soldiers, most of whom spoke no English at all. Salomon was fluent in German, so he served as an interpreter. This didn’t exactly work the way the British wanted it to, as Salomon used his translating as an opportunity to encourage as many as five hundred German soldiers to desert the British ranks. He also spent a lot of time helping patriot captives escape from British prisons. He was arrested for espionage again in 1778, and sentenced to death once more. This time, there was no offer of pardon. Salomon managed to escape, fleeing to Philadelphia with his wife and children. Although he was virtually penniless when he arrived at the rebel capital, within a short amount of time he re-established himself as a merchant and financial broker. Financing the Revolution Once he had settled comfortably in Philadelphia and his brokerage business was up and running, Salomon was appointed to the role of paymaster general for French troops fighting on behalf of the colonists. He was also engaged in selling securities that supported Dutch and French loans to the Continental Congress. In addition, he advanced funds personally to members of the Continental Congress, offering financial services below market rates. Over a three year period, Salomon’s financial contributions to George Washington and the war effort totaled well over $650,000, which translates to upwards of $18M in today’s currency. Much of this money was funneled into Washington’s accounts in the latter part of 1781. In August of 1781, British general Charles Cornwallis and his troops were penned in near Yorktown. Washington’s army had Cornwallis surrounded, but because Congress was essentially out of money, the continental troops hadn’t been paid in some time. They were also low on rations and crucial uniform components. In fact, Washington’s soldiers were close to staging a coup, and many were considering desertion as a better option than staying in Yorktown. According to legend, Washington wrote to Morris, and asked him to send Haym Salomon. Bruce Leighty / Getty Images Salomon managed to secure the $20,000 in finances that Washington needed to keep his men fighting, and ultimately, the British were defeated at Yorktown, in what would be the final major battle of the American Revolution. After the war ended, Salomon brokered numerous loans between other nations and the newly formed United States government. Final Years Sadly, Haym Salomons financial efforts during the war led to his downfall. He had loaned out hundreds of thousands of dollars during the Revolution, and because of the unstable economy in the colonies, most private borrowers (and even government entities) were unable to repay their loans. In 1784, his family was nearly penniless. Salomon died on January 8, 1785 at the age of 44 from complications from tuberculosis, which he had contracted while in prison. He was buried at his synagogue, Mikveh Israel, in Philadelphia. In the 1800s, his descendants unsuccessfully petitioned Congress for compensation. However, in 1893, Congress decreed that a gold medal be struck in Salomons honor. In 1941, the City of Chicago erected a statue featuring George Washington flanked by Morris and Salomon. Sources Blythe, Bob. â€Å"The American Revolution: Haym Salomon.†Ã‚  National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior,, Michael. â€Å"Haym Salomon: Revolutionary Broker.†Ã‚  My Jewish Learning, My Jewish Learning,, James. â€Å"Haym Salomon.†Ã‚  American Battlefield Trust, 7 Aug. 2018,, Erica. â€Å"Haym Solomon: The Man Behind the Myth of the Dollars Star of David.†Ã‚  Jspace News, 12 Dec. 2016,

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Gustave Courbet, Young Women from the Village and John Singer Sargent, Term Paper

Gustave Courbet, Young Women from the Village and John Singer Sargent, The Wyndham Sisters - Term Paper Example The paper "Gustave Courbet, Young Women from the Village and John Singer Sargent, The Wyndham Sisters" compares, in detail, two significant works of art. The first work is Gustave Courbet's Young Women from the Village and the second work is John Singer Sargent's The Wyndham Sisters. The first piece of work is entitled Young Women From the Village. The nature of this piece is extremely organic and elemental. At first glance, one can’t help but notice the greenery in the backdrop which meets a skyline that almost appears to be approaching darkness or the color of a storm. The women in the painting do not seem to notice anything about their surroundings except for the young girl who appears to be a peasant as she is not dressed as formally as the women which surround her. The painting also features several cows along with a spaniel breed of dog. There is a certain serenity in the piece somewhat akin to a still life or what is often found in landscapes. The piece is indicative of the time period as the women are dressed in floor length, casual dresses with hats and parasols. It is as though the women are caught in a perpetual moment of leisure on the outskirts of a pasture which seems to go on until the skyline begins. This piece may be compared to the piece entitled The Wyndham Sisters by John Singer Sargent primarily on the basis of it’s feminine quality. Both of these works feature several woman, all dressed indicative of the time period. The latter of the two works however, depicts three women.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tikka enterprise and saffronspices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Tikka enterprise and saffronspices - Essay Example the population of Indians in Scotland is large, the deal between the Tikka enterprises and Saffron Spice’s was that Tikka will be taught on how to prepare Indian foods. The task given to the Scottish company is the causative element of the conflict. In this case, socialization and interaction between team members dictate that there must be a hierarchy among the group members. Also, there must exist a limited resource/ need that every group member is struggling to attain (Furnell, 17). The conflict can be solved easily if both parties, especially, the Saffron Spice’s enterprise moves to court and make agreements with Barbara in the presence of the justice system. Naresh will, therefore, have a filed document that can sue the counterpart enterprise if they do not adhere to the agreement and make the required payments. For Tikka enterprises, both Indians and Scottish can be prepared different meals so that they can keep authentic food preferred by each race. Hence, this will improve the business (Furnell 7). In conclusion, satisfaction is the key factor in every business. On the other hand, every company wants to make maximum profits out of the ready market. Therefore, both companies can decide to operate the business together such that Indians are employed to cook for their fellow

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Social Aspects of Marketing Essay Example for Free

Social Aspects of Marketing Essay The market economy is a faceless system that is run by competition, and the means to achieve and succeed may not always be ethical or acceptable. Marketers have been accused for deceptive practices, such as deceptive pricing, promotion and packaging. Deceptive practices lead the consumer to believe they get more value to their money than they actually do. Marketers have also been accused for creating needs that would not exist without heavy advertising. For example, people can be made to believe that they might need a certain medicine for a condition that actually does not require medical treatment. Due to these faults marketing practises have changed in the previous years to be more socially and environmentally responsible, and movements such as consumerism and environmentalism have developed. We will now shortly go through these concepts. Societal Marketing Resent environmental problems, resource shortages, worldwide economic problems and neglected social services have led to a birth of a new marketing concept, Societal Marketing. Societal marketing concept is a marketing management philosophy that underlines that satisfying customer needs effectively and efficiently while achieving organisational goals is not enough. â€Å"The idea [of societal marketing concept] is that the organisation should determine the needs, wants and interest of target markets and deliver the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that maintains or improves both the consumer’s and society’s well-being.† (Kotler et al. 2005) Consumerism Consumerism stems from the idea that the marketing system should be efficiently serving consumer wants. Consumerism is â€Å"an organized movement of citizens and government agencies to improve the rights and power of buyers in relation to sellers.† (Kotler et al. 2005) Consumerism underlines that the buyer has the right to be well informed of the product, protected against questionable products and marketing practises, and the right to influence products and marketing practises, for example by being able to propose ingredients to products. Environmentalism Environmentalism is a movement that is concerned with the effects of  marketing systems to environment. Environmentalism is â€Å"an organized movement of concerned citizens and government agencies to protect and improve people’s living environment†. (Kotler et al. 2005) Environmentalism questions whether the costs of serving consumer needs and wants are too high. The latest environmentalism wave is â€Å"environmental sustainability† which refers to the idea that companies should seek sustainable ways of producing profits. This could be achieved by utilizing new environmental technology, preventing pollution, underlining sustainability in strategy, and by product stewardship; expanding the company responsibility of the product to its whole life cycle. (Kotler et al. 2005)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Kandinskys Art :: Wassily Kandinsky Artists Painters Essays

Since my first encounter with Kandinsky's art I was amazed by their complexity and always wondered about the creative and intellectual mind, which was responsible for them. The few books I managed to find on Kandinsky were extremely useful as they outlined his entire career and had a substantial amount of illustrations. There were also a number of websites available on the Internet, which contained critiques from other art historians, critics and fellow artists from around the world. But there is not a large number of his paintings available in Britain therefore could only experience his art at first hand on three occasions. If I were to attempt this coursework again I would perhaps try to widen my research by travelling outside of the U.K. and experiencing at first hand some of Kandinsky's more grand pieces, in order to fully feel their effects. Introduction Upon my first encounter with Kandinsky's painting, my eyes and indeed my mind were overcome with a sense of puzzlement, as it seemed impossible to decipher what lay beneath his passionate use of colour and distorted forms. Kandinsky hoped by freeing colour from its representational restrictions, it, like music could conjure up a series of emotions in the soul of viewer, reinforced by corresponding forms. Throughout this essay, I will follow Kandinsky's quest for a pure, abstract art and attempt to determine whether his passionate belief in this spiritual art and his theories on its effects on the soul, can truly be felt and appreciated by the average viewer, who at first glance would most likely view Kandinsky's paintings as simply abstract. Kandinsky was indeed a visionary, an artist who through his theoretical ideas of creating a new pictorial language sought to revolutionize the art of the twentieth-century. Regarded as the founder of abstract painting, he broke free from arts traditional limitations and invented the first painting for paintings sake, whereby the dissolution of the object and subsequent promotion of colour and form became means of expression in their own right. This theory stemmed from his fundamental belief of the importance of a "spiritual" art, which could be extracted only from the "inner voice" of the artist. Kandinsky believed that this spiritual domain was indestructible and therefore had the utmost authoritative power to create artistic messages that were as alive and pure as nature. His preoccupation with music and the freedom of expression that it provided, fascinated Kandinsky and inspired his observations on the "sounds" of colours, a theory based on an idea that these colours had a psychological effect on the viewer similar to the emotional effect created by a musical composition. Kandinsky the Russian Born in Moscow in 1866, Wassily Kandinsky would spend the majority of

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Video Game and Console Gaming Addiction

I. The Problem and its BackgroundA. INTRODUCTIONIn recent years gaming addiction (computer game addiction, console gaming addiction, or even excessive play on portable systems) has received increased attention not only from the media, but also from psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health organizations, and gamers themselves.Gaming addiction is not yet classified as a mental health disorder or â€Å"true† addiction like gambling or alcohol addiction. However, some gamers clearly struggle to keep their playing habits under control and may place more importance on their gaming accomplishments than their happiness and success in the real world (e.g., academic achievement, friendships, relationships, career advancement, health, etc.).B. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMMany people or computer users have their thoughts and questions about online games. But this is some common questions that we will have to acknowledge:a. Why do students easily get addicted in computer/online games?b. Wha t are the harmful effects in getting addicted to computer/online games?C. IMPORTANCE OF STUDYThis study aimed to know why many student easily get addicted to computer games and the harmful effects of computer/online games.D. DEFINITION OF TERMS†¢ Addiction- is the continued use of a mood altering substance or  behavior despite adverse dependency consequences, or a neurological impairment leading to such behaviors. †¢ Online Game- is a video game played over some form of computer network, using a personal computer or video game console. This network is usually the internet or equivalent technology, but games have always used whatever technology was current: modems before the Internet, and hard wired terminals before modems. The expansion of online gaming has reflected the overall expansion of computer networks from small local networks to the internet and the growth of internet access itself.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Annual Per Capita Healthcare Costs By Age Essay

The United States has way higher healthcare costs than any other country in the OECD, mostly which is because of the extremely high expenses later in life. 17 cents of every US dollar is being spent on health care. At about age 60, healthcare expenses for US citizens skyrocket, averaging between $40,000 to $45,000 a year per person, which is way above Germany, who has the next highest with only about $10,000. Dr. Ficshbeck, an engineering professor who runs a website called, says the high costs are not completely without some reward. He said when it comes to deaths caused by disease, men from the US have a survival advantage over men from western Europe starting around age 65 that steadily increases over time. American women have this same advantage starting around age 80. This means if Americans died from diseases at the same rate as people from the Netherlands, for example, there would be about 60,000 more male deaths and 14,000 more female deaths in the US, all after the age of 70. France is among the few exceptions because they have a lower death rate from disease, but for the most part, the United States has a lower rate of diseased-caused deaths than Western Europe. Dr. Ficshbeck’s research also shows evidence that Americans have a higher death rate during young adulthood and middle age mainly due to health. Obesity rates, which are one of the leading causes of type 2 diabetes, are 3 times higher in America than France, and more than twice as high as in Germany. This study could mean that American healthcare is not totally at fault for not producing better results, but the American people themselves should be to blame for not making better health choices earlier in there lives. Ficshbeck believes that the edge the United States is getting in the latter years are due to our superior screening and treatment of diseases, the most prominent one being cancer. Americans have an average 5 year survival rate for breast cancer. This is higher than any other country in the OECD. Although Americans have a small advantage when it comes to death rates caused by disease for people over the age of 70, it isn’t a big enough advantage to prove that all of the money we spend on older American’s healthcare is providing that much of a survival advantage. A Boston University economist by the name of Dr. Lawrence Kotlikoff believes that the problem with our healthcare overspending problem stems from Medicare. He says the system has no cost control, and that pretty much any services that hospitals or doctors provide, Medicare will pay for. He has a very interesting idea for an alternative system that will provide incentive for practicing healthy habits (which the lack of proves to be one of main reasons for our not-so-superior life expectancy rates) and also lower US healthcare spending. He advocates issuing everybody vouchers through health insurance companies that would vary in value depending on the receiver’s health status, kind of like how car i nsurance companies are run. This sounds like a great alternative in that it would give people a good reason to be healthy which, in turn, would lead to less money being spent on expensive tests and procedures.   Robert Martensen, director of the office history at the National Institutes of Health is skeptical of how much of the United States’ health care spending is actually going towards increasing lifespan. He says that 40 to 50 percent of Medicare is being spent on intensive care which may not necessarily increase their chances of survival. European countries spend a lot less after the age of 65 mainly due to the fact that they have a lot more general practitioners, fewer specialists, and more centralized control over the number of hospital beds. Another researcher, named Dr. Jonathan Skinner, believes that although the US may be spending too much on older people’s health care, Europeans may also be doing too little. Having a specialist for every organ in the body of a patient with a chronic illness is a big part of the reason Americans are overspending. A payment technique called â€Å"bundling† could be a solution to this problem. It suggests that doctors and hospitals be paid a set amount for each patient diagnosis, such as diabetes or heart failure, and then have the ability to be rewarded with additional payments for meeting certain standards for quality care. This will give the doctors more control on what they should be spending their money on, so if they deem it unnecessary, they won’t have to â€Å"waste† money on specialized care for a patient. The problem with bundling and the reason many physicians are against the idea, is that a doctor can’t always know ahead of time if they shouldn’t spend money on a patient. Although the US is spending way too much on Medicare, that’s not a decision any doctor wants to be in control of.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Slip Slip Sliden Away essays

Slip Slip Sliden Away essays Music and poetry touches my emotions and finds a place in my heart, where I can feel the words penetrating my soul. When I listen to a good song or read a meaningful poem an emotional connection is made through the pain and heartbreak of recently losing people in my life to death and divorce. The Paul Simon song Slip Slidin Away sends a message that nothing in life is for ever. The poem by Robert Herrick All Things Decay and Die stirs this familiar feeling. They are both similar in subject matter, but different in tone. The message they relay to the reader is ultimately the same. The Song Slip Slidin Away is about the dying of relationships, a wife to her husband, or a father to his son. The last verse of the song says Were working our jobs, collect our pay Believe were gliding down the highway, When in fact were slip slidin away This verse explains the main theme of the song, that we live life thinking things are never going to change. Happiness is taken for granted, but on a flip of a coin life can and does change and everything slips away. We are living our lives, but we are working towards death. The poem All Things Decay And Die is about physical death. It uses trees as a metaphor .The verse That timber tall, which three -score lustres stood the proud dictator of the state-like wood, This verse expresses a sense that youth fades away, and it is natures time that decides our fate in life .The poem expresses the reality that everything must die. The Song Slip Slidin Away and the poem All Things Decay and Die are similar in subject matter. The death of a long term relationship or the end of youth to aging ,they both put into words the idea that life is a process of dying .Whether, it is a difficult time in my life, or memories of a loved one. The right song or poem can touch my soul....

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Supervise vs. Monitor

Supervise vs. Monitor Supervise vs. Monitor Supervise vs. Monitor By Maeve Maddox A reader wants to know if there’s a difference between the verbs supervise and monitor. Both are synonyms for the act of overseeing the execution of a task or activity. Some speakers use them interchangeably, but they do differ in connotation. Supervise implies more interaction than monitor. Supervisors have the responsibility of informing and directing, while monitors observe without instructing. A person who supervises children is expected to step in if they behave contrary to expectations; a person or machine engaged in monitoring an activity is not generally expected to deal directly with a problem, but to alert a person in charge. The noun form for supervise is supervisor; monitor serves as noun as well as verb. A supervisor is always human; a monitor may be a human being or a machine. Monitor comes from Latin monere, â€Å"to warn.† It’s the monitor’s job to warn someone that some activity is not proceeding according to plan. You might monitor your utility bills by keeping track of the monthly increases and decreases. The Yankees also will monitor what the Brewers do with Rickie Weeks, who could be beaten out at second base by Scooter Gennett. Just asking a child to monitor their own behavior will increase the behavior that you want and reduce the behavior you do not want to see. Sometimes a monitor may be expected to act, but only in an extreme situation requiring immediate attention. Police expected to monitor Rizzuto funeral visitation closely Another noun for the person who oversees the work of others is overseer, a word which can bear a negative connotation. Historically, an overseer was in charge of slaves or, in Australia, a band of convicts. In modern Australian usage, an overseer is the manager of a sheep station or other rural property. In American usage, an Overseer is a member of a university governing board, or a religious leader. In general American usage, however, overseer is still strongly associated with slavery; think Jonas Wilkerson in Gone With the Wind. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 English Grammar Rules You Should KnowSelect vs. SelectedList of 50 Compliments and Nice Things to Say!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Crime Prevention in Criminal Justice System Research Paper

Crime Prevention in Criminal Justice System - Research Paper Example There are a variety of methods that authorities use to deal with and prevent crime, the common one being incarceration of criminals in jails and other rehabilitation centers, which has not proved effective in Springfield. Therefore, to deal with crime on the long term, a risk-focused approach offers better results in that the method deals with possible factors that would lead to crime. Crime rates in Springfield, IL Springfield is one of the areas that lead in crime rates across US and has been ranked as the third most dangerous area in the entire country (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2012). Springfield has a population of 206, 601 residents, one of the less populated metropolitan areas that have surpassed many areas in the level of reported crimes. In 2010, there were reported 855 violent crimes per 100,000 residents in Springfield IL, which made the metropolitan the third highest dangerous city in the US after Detroit and Memphis. Giuoffo noted that Springfield has an unemploym ent rate of less than the country’s average of 7% as of July 2011, implying that unlike other areas, economy in the city may not be blamed for the high crime rate as the city is above average compared to many other cities. The metropolitan has a young population, that 66% of all residents are 44 years old or younger, which has been perceived as a contributing factor to the high crime rate (Giuffo, 2011). In addition, the city has high usage of methamphetamine, a prevalent drug across the area. All the same, a law was passed in the last few years that made it difficult to buy the drugs, which according to FBI has considerably reduced the crime rates (FBI, 2012). In addition to drug use, Springfield has a much poorer neighborhood in the city’s suburbs that has been blamed for the high rate of crime in the metropolitan. Consequently, indications are that crime rates in Springfield have soared due to a young population, use of hard drugs and a poor neighborhood. Generally, Springfield, IL in 2011 had a total population of 210,802 residents with a crime rate of 711.6 per 100, 000 residents. The city had a lower murder rate at 4.3, with property crime rates, burglary and larceny theft recorded at 4,290.8, 1,118.1 and 3,034.1 per 100,000 residents respectively (FBI, 2012 Abilene in Texas has a population of 168,729 slightly less than Springfield with the rate of violent crimes recorded at 297.5 per 100,000 residents. Property crime in this area is highest at 3,029.7 per 100,000 residents with murder being the lowest at 3.0 per 100,000 residents (FBI, 2012). On the contrary, Alexandria, LA has a population of 155,330 residents with a crime rate of 662 per 100,000 residents. The highest crime in this area is property crimes at 4.050.7 and the lowest crime being murder at 5.0 per 100,000 residents. On the same note, Appleton in Wisconsin has a total population of 226,649 residents with the crime rate being 509.5 per 100,000 residents. The highest crime in the area is property crime at 4,271.3 with the lowest crime being murder at a relatively higher rate of 11.8 per 100,000 residents. Comparing this data to the national statistics, the national violent crime rate was at 386.3 per

Friday, November 1, 2019

Literacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Literacy - Essay Example The theories and concepts which relate to literacy can be understood based on different viewpoints and perceptions. This paper seeks to present a critical analysis about the concept of literacy. It will seek to communicate how selected studies contribute to my understanding of literacy theories and issues, and how these studies have practical applications for teachers and trainers in adult and vocational education or for students in the university. This essay is being carried out in order to establish an improved conceptualization of literacy and how its elements can impact on the overall education and development of students and learners. Body Literacy in its most basic context refers to the ability to read in order to gain knowledge and coherently and critically conceptualize the written word (Kress, 2003). Literacy also refers to the ability to understand the different means of communication, including language, videos, and images (Kress, 2003). Changing conceptualizations of lite racy include various symbols which are crucial to any community. Literacy includes various complex skills which seek to understand and utilize major symbols of culture for general development (Kress, 2003). For technological societies, the idea of literacy is developing to encompass the media and the electronic tools, including the alphabets and numerical systems. These areas are different and based on varying social and cultural applications (Street, 1984). Literacy is still equivalent to a lifelong and intellectual progression of establishing meaning of the written words (Goody, 1986). The idea of literacy is to establish development, to improve skills, which starts with the power to understand words and to deconstruct them. In the end, these processes lead to a deeper understanding of the text (Goody, 1986). The development of reading includes different and complex language processes which include an understanding of speech, spelling, word meaning, grammar, as well as word format ion (Goody, 1986). All of these establish a strong avenue for the development of fluency in reading and comprehension. As these skills are gained, readers can then ensure strong literacy in language and communication, which then includes the power to understand printed materials and conduct critical analysis or make inferences (Graff, 1991). With these skills, it is also possible to develop accuracy and coherence and to use data from the text to make decisions and develop creative ideas. The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) declares that literacy is based on the power to identify, interpret, and communicate related ideas (UNESCO, 2004). Literacy includes a wide array of learning processes which help enable individuals to secure their goals, to support knowledge, and to take part in their society. Being literate is associated with the idea of one’s familiarity with literature (UNESCO, 2004). In the 19th century, it has also been relate d to one’s abilities to read and write and to be educated in a particular field. Scholars have given much attention to defining literacy, and their activities have had much impact on various approaches to practice as well as policies (Bowman and Woolf, 1994). Scholars from various fields of psychology, economics, linguistics, philosophy and history have been involved in the highly contentious process of defining literacy and what it implies for education and knowledge (Graff, 1991). In considering these discussions, there are several possible understandings of literacy: literacy as an independent set of skills; literacy as applied in practice and also contextual; literacy as a learning process; and literacy as text (UNESCO, 2006). In relation

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Management in a Globailsed world Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Management in a Globailsed world - Assignment Example The movement of goods and services is usually carried across different countries. Most of the businesses engaging in the trade are multinationals and to some extent, the smaller established companies. In addition, globalization entails the movement of human resources that includes labor across various countries. Labor is an important part of an organization since a business needs the right workforce to make it in any business environment. Some of the organization may move their compatriots in major positions before they offer them to those of the host country. As such, the companies to prevent conflicts with the government follow various laws that affect such activities. The movement of labor usually brings people of different languages and backgrounds together. The culture of the people is thus different, and, therefore, there is need to make sure communication is improved between the workers. For there to be an understanding, there should be an improvement in the communication. The refore, the common ground is that the language is an issue and therefore bringing the people together and using various communication channels to help in bringing unity among the workers. Globalization, for example, can be evidenced by various multinationals like Coca Cola since they set up their business in developing countries and end up imposing the western culture on the people especially those that work in the companies. The people thus have to learn the various cultures of the foreign businesses. Macro level deals with what is required of the organization in adhering to various regulations in the host country. The micro level deals with the interests of the employees, mainly expatriates. The interests of the expatriates in terms of security and other issues that may affect them in the host country are looked into by the organization. The expatriate is taken to be working 24 hours for the company and therefore if

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Success Depends on Good Leadership

Success Depends on Good Leadership Introduction Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective of a firm. An organisations success depends on the good leadership in that organization. Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and the will power, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self study, education, training and experience. To inspire workers into higher levels of team work there are certain things to know and do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills. Leadership is a process where by an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership knowledge and skills. This is called process leadership. While leadership is learned, the skills and knowledge processed by the leader can be influence by his or her attributes such as beliefs, values, ethics, an character. Knowledge and skills contribute directly to the process of leadership, while the other attributes give the leader certain characterstics that make him or her unique. ( Characterstics of a good leader Trust worthy A good leader has an exemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead other. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and intergrity. A good leader walks the talk and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect for the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads . Enthusiasthic A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be ableto be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action. Although the responsibilities and the roles of a leader may be different, the leader needs to be seen to be part of the team working towards the goal. Confident A good leader is confident. In order to lead and set direction a leader needs to appear confidentas a person and in the leadership role. Such a person inspires confidence in others and draws out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well. A leader who conveys confidence towards the proposed objective inspires the best effort from team members. Tolerant Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a good leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a cool head. Main focus on goal A good leader, as well as keeping the main goal in focus, is able to think analytically. Not only does a good leader view a situation as a whole, but is able to break it down into sub parts for closer inspection. While keeping the goal in view, a good leader can break it down into manageable steps and make progress towards it. Positive A leader also needs to function in an orderly and purposeful manner in situations of uncertainty. People look to the leader during times of uncertainty and unfamiliarity and find reassurance and security when the leader portrays confidence and a positive demeanor. Good communicator A good leader easily explain to the others what he want to say and easily convey the ideas. He also easily understands the problems of his workers. Good communication makes a leadership more efficient and effective. These personal characteristics are foundational to good leadership. Some characteristics may be more naturally present in the personality of a leader. However, each of these characteristics can also be developed and strengthened. A good leader whether they naturally possess these qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen them in their leadership role. ( Two good business leaders Vijay Mallya (Chairman of the United Breweries Group and Kingfisher Airlines) Talk of style, elegance and flamboyance He is a tycoon of indian business industry. He is very stylish and had a great impact on his collegeous. He also invest his money in games. Last year he invest money in Indian primier league of cricket. He invest on banglore team. He always remain in top stories in india. Vijay Mallya is the apt name. Even though Kingfisher Airlines might be incurring losses every quarter, Vijay Mallya has always been in the limelight for every other reason. His Kingfisher beer is omnipresent in India, and also after purchasing the Whyte and Mackay in 2007 for $1.2 billion, he gathered the chance to sell premium scotch to the worlds largest whiskey market. He is a good leader. Even though in losses he never gives up, he always move forward to gain profits. Ratan Tata (Chairman, Tata Group) a) He has always been soft-spoken and media-shy. b) The most admired business leader in India. Steel, telecom, autos, and mining interests of his group are diverse. More recognition was meted out to the group by the multibillion-dollar takeovers of steelmaker Corus and automakers Jaguar and Land Rover. New craze with the launch of the small car in India, Ratan Tata has made it really big in the Indian business environment. ( Part B 1. Poor communication by senior management The culture in our workplace, and the way we feel about working somewhere has a direct correlation to the performance levels that can be achieved. It is likely, then, that the performance in your business area is also under-achieving, which will add additional pressures to a management team already under stress. Any senior manager worth their salt should recognise that the leadership team are having a negative impact on performance and culture in your organisation, and that it needs to change. So it is the responsibility of the leader or manager to sort out the problems of the workers by communicating well with them. 2. Office politics In the organization sometimes the leaders use the politics amoung the workers to increase the profits or efficiency of the firm, which sometimes had adverse impact on the structure. The leaders praise the nearer worker to them than the actual one. on that fact that worker always pull others downwards. It decreases the effieciency of the works and firm march towards loses. 3. Lack of teamwork Team work has great influence on work place if there is not proper flow of information from top level to lower level it means there is lack of team support in an organization. As a result company production drop immediately and it means company have to improve it for workers satisfaction and in this way organization look forward for future profit. 4. The use of politically correct language Political correct language is a term used to describe language, ideas, policies, or behaviour seen as seeking to minimize offence to gender, racial, cultural, disabled, aged or other identity groups. Use of correct language can improve good communication between staff members and employers in this way we can say that companies can move forward without any hazard. 5. Nosy co-workers If a company unable to handle workers properly and dont  provide skills and material on time so there is problem related to product shape and size.workers dont show enthusiam in work this means an organisation unable to meet the reqirement of workers. References (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from

Friday, October 25, 2019

A post-colonial canonical and cultural revision of Conan Doyles Holmes narratives :: Essays Papers

A post-colonial canonical and cultural revision of Conan Doyle's Holmes narratives Redefining the British literary canon as imperial construct and influence 'A canon,' Ashcroft, Griffiths and Tiffiin argue, 'is not a body of texts per se, but rather a set of reading practices....' (189). They define 'reading practices' as 'the enactment of innumerable individual and community assumptions, for example about genre, about literature, and even about writing....' (189). The purpose of the following discussion is to investigate the link between the British literary canon and its attendant culture. That culture, Said argues, was one which imperial and colonial ideology had infiltrated. "Imperialism", in this discussion, will be defined in Said's words as 'the practice, the theory, and the attitudes of a dominating metropolitan centre ruling a distant territory....'(Culture 8). "Colonialism", likewise, will be noted as representing 'the implanting of settlements on distant territory....'(Culture 8). Increased imperialism and colonialism between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries resulted in the creation of a 'socially desirable, empowered sp ace in metropolitan England....[which was] connected by design, motive and development to distant or peripheral worlds....conceived of as desirable but subordinate....' (Culture 61). England viewed itself as the powerful economic, academic and military centre of its empire: the colonised native was reduced by 'the authority of the [Western] observer, and of European geographical centrality' to occupy 'a secondary racial, cultural, ontological status....' (Culture 70). The oppression of the native cultures of the colonized territories maintained the fantasy of the centrality and superiority of British culture. Said's argument, when combined with Ashcroft, Griffiths and Tiffin's canon moulded by 'reading practices' which include 'community assumptions' (189), suggests that the bias toward priviliging its own imperial and colonial status in Britsh culture would logically lead that culture to accept texts which affirmed its imperial centrality and primacy. Said affirms this when he argues that the culture of imperial Britain encouraged 'canonical inclusion and exclusion....' (Culture 70). The first stage of questioning the canon and canonical texts as constructs of imperial ideology entails identifying 'unspoken subjects [i.e. marginalised, distorted representations of colonised cultures and individuals]' in texts accepted by their contemporary British culture. Said argues that the critical reappraisal of such texts 'entails reading the canon as a polyphonic accompaniment to the expansion of Europe, giving a revised direction and valence to such writers as Conrad and Kipling who have always been read as sports, not as writers whose manifestly imperialist subject matter has a long subterranean or implicit and proleptic life' in the works of preceeding generations of writers (Culture 71).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Personal Worldview Inventory Essay

My personal beliefs have formed me over the course of my lifetime by many different influences. Many people have made important impact in my life that have changed my beliefs in society and my life. The major two values that help determine my worldview are God and Ethics they are the ways that help me shape my beliefs, and life decisions. I feel the strongest aspect of my worldview is my tremendous sense of spirituality and the relationship I have with God. All of these beliefs help me every day with my decisions. The moral values I have learned are from many different influences through my lifetime. Strong Catholic influences have been the good foundation to be closer to God. I have learned to live a life of compassion, service and teaching. Ethical choices that I have made in my life have not been the most popular but they are the ones I live with. One of my beliefs is that not all humans respond or act the same way. It all depends on their world view, background, morals, and personalities. My main goal in life is to help others ever since I was a child. I was raised in a very religious catholic home. I was the middle child of five children in a Hispanic family. I grew up in a small Hispanic community near Mexico. As we were growing up we were exposed to people living in poverty and we were expected to help them with what we had. Even though we were not a rich family we would give we would make the effort to donate food and the necessary items to the needy families. We would donate dinners on Christmas Eve to the most unfortunate families with small children for the holiday. This tradition continues to be in my family and now my children are experiencing it. My mother and father  have always taught us values and morals. I grew up with the belief to help out people in need. While I was growing up I wanted to be a Doctor or a nurse because my main objective was to help people in need. Now that I have accomplished my dream I am able to help people who are in need by caring for them. What is prime reality? One of the many definitions that describe Prime reality is â€Å"Prime reality is the infinite, personal God revealed in the Holy Scriptures. This God is triune, Transcendent, sovereign and good. (Sire, 2009). It is also describes God as being a supreme power. God cannot be compared with the study of Cosmos. Also the relationship that man has with God is extraordinary because man can trust God for any problems in life and relate with him in any personal way. In religious pluralism defines Prime reality generally refers to the belief in two or more religious worldviews as being valid or acceptable. It is a multiple path that leads to the same God. Early as the seventeenth century the main concept was the religious working together. Even though Muslims and Christians believe in helping the most need both have different ideas and precept of God (Tripp, 2000). In Scientism the main concept of Prime reality is main goal is to extend to broaden scientific methods, to the life of humans in society and political issues. In post modernism the Prime reality the main concept is there main philosophy that states, â€Å"There is no absolute truth does not exist†. This leads to relativism which means that what is right for one group is not necessarly true for everyone in today’s society. What is the nature of the worlds around us? Nature can be interpreted as patterns of relationships. This is encouraged by the Buddhist belief that there is a interconnectedness of all things. This belief does not deny the reality of things that are typically perceived as being â€Å"in the objectively real world†, but it denies that these things have any ontologically isolated essence (Tripp, 2000). The basic idea is that there are no substantial or truly independent â€Å"essences† of things because the essence of any given thing consists in its interconnections with every other thing. The â€Å"objectively real† world cannot exists without us, not  because minds â€Å"create the world† but because the quality of our experiences and the things in the world that we typically call â€Å"objectively real† are ontologically interdependent. The ontological essence of each thing consists in its relations to all other things, thus nothing exists unless everything it is related to exists as well. External reality is the way God created the earth to work in uniformity and the earth was made out of nothing (Sire, 2009). In a scientism view it was the art of science that started the universe. Chemical reactions within the world is what started life in earth. What is a human being? It is a creature created by God. We are extraordinary machines full of mystery images of God and we were made to serve God. â€Å"Human beings are created in the image of God and thus possess personality, self-transcendence, intelligence, morality, gregariousness and creativity† (Sire, 2009). In postmodernism and scientism human beings are created by matter and there is no foundation of human beings from the beginning or why we exist. What happens to a person at death? Death is viewed as a gate to meet God and live an eternal life with him. Whatever happens at death is always a mystery. In much religious death once everyone dies they will face judgment by God (Noebel,2006). Death is not the end of life; it is the beginning of eternal existence. Postmodernism has no moral absolutes but rather places responsibility into the hands of the individual. Each absolute belongs into the hands of the individual and therefore each position on after afterlife is relative to an individual’s meaning of truth. In scientism death is viewed as the end of life and that a person is not passed to a better life. They also have the belief that near death experiences do not exist. Their only conclusion is that there s no scientific evidence that near death experiences are actual afterlife experiences. Why is it possible to know anything at all? Human beings are the images of God. God gave us the capacity to know and learn from his teachings. In postmodernism the truth about reality itself is forever hidden and no explanation. In scientism human reason & the methods of science the universe is responsible for knowing everything. Humans were  created this way(Tripp,2009). How do we know what is right or wrong? We determine what is right or wrong based on our teachings from the bible and from the word of God. As we are growing up our parents are the ones who teach us the values and morals. The way they learned from their parents. It is guided by the teachings of the bible. In scientism right and wrong are what we decide for our ourselves as humans it may be individually, or families. In postmodernism each person or culture develop their own moral values. It also depends how each individual is raised. They sometimes ask each other is that right for me? How will this help me? Also our actions are determined by our responsibilities as human beings. What is the meaning of human history? The meaning of history for people who follow a certain religion is creation, fall and redemption. God is wonderful and has a plan for everyone. God is in total control of the world. The main purpose of God was to create man and have a good relationship with him. God gave us the tools to follow him and if we commit sin God is always willing to forgive us. In postmodernism their belief is that human history is the study of one’s culture over another. It is main concept is relative, the postmodernist will be will to rewrite history to try to convince other in believing what is better for them. In scientism history has no purpose. Also they believe that someday the plant will freeze up or burn and will be the end of life. Conclusion All human beings have a purpose in life, regardless of their worldview. We should respect them and love them the way they are. Sometimes they will learn from each other and obtain the positive beliefs from each other. A good paper, Shirley. I would like to have seen you give more attention and analysis to pluralism, scientism and postmodernism. Still, this is a good paper. References Noebel, D(2006). Understanding the Times: The Collision of Today’s Competing Worldview 2nd(ed) Summit Press. Sire, J. (2009). The universe next door. (5 ed.). Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic. Tripp, D (2000). â€Å"Where did I come from†. Exploring Christianity. Retrieved on June 26, 2015 from

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ethics in Advertisements

Ethics in advertisements Advertisement is the process of communicating the most persuasive selling message possible, to the right potential consumer of products or services at the right time and place, at least possible cost. Advertisement acts as a communicating bridge between producer and consumer. With industrialization and expansion of market access, importance of advertising is steadily on the increase in modern society. Advertising, using media as its vehicle, is a pervasive, powerful force shaping attitudes and behavior in today's world. At times it goes beyond the traditional role of ‘fair and truthful’ information and portraits obscene, undesirable and unethical scenes giving a detrimental result especially on the young population of the society. The article have talked about various types of unethical advertisements like advertisements endorsed by children, surrogate advertising, false and misleading advertisements etc. This article also talks about few advertisements which are ethical. The ethical aspect of Indian advertisement is extremely important for restoration of our Indian culture, norms, ethics and heritage. Introduction: Ethics: Ethics have always been an important aspect of every business activity, although the term has meant different things at different times in different lands to different people. Nonetheless, as ethical concerns are an inseparable element of business, advertising cannot ignore them. Sadly, the advertising industry has rarely cared to look beyond immediate marketing objectives. The argument in the industry is that it is the government's job to judge what is right and what is wrong. Shirking its own responsibility for regulation, the industry has belittled business values and agencies have harmed their balance sheets. For any business, customer is very important, and businessman attempt to communicate to all their target customers using means of communication like advertising and sales promotion. Advertising is a very powerful and most commonly used tool. Definition of ethics in advertising: The term ethics in business involves â€Å"morality, organisational ethics and professional deontology† (Isaac, cited in Bergadaa', 2007). Every industry has its own guidelines for the ethical requirements. However, the principal four requirements for marketing communications are to be legal, decent, honest and truthful. Unfortunately, in a society where the course of action of the companies is determined by profit targets the use of marketing communications messages â€Å"may constitute a form of social pollution through the potentially damaging and unintended effects it may have on consumer decision making† (Hackley and Kitchen, 1999). Benefits of advertising Communication The organization has to attract the customer and crededate a market for its products. For this purpose, advertising is the most powerful and widely used tool for communicating message regarding products/services to a large target audience. To raise the standard of living In our developing economy, adverting with its micro and macro level influences, exerts vast and varied influences that have played key role in raising the standards of physical and material well being of the Indian society. To make market competitive In India, one finds many innovations being introduced which has changed the market structure from seller's market, and thus the result is more competitive market conditions. Product differentiation It is a fact that advertising brings about products variety through real and psychological product differentiation. Critical evaluation of advertising Though many benefits are achieved through advertisements, the ad message is becoming more and more exaggerated. To achieve competitive advantage, advertising magnifies unimportant differences, resorts to clever, tricky product promises, and claims more and more unbelievable benefits. The customer finds many advertisements as false, deceptive, or misleading. Consumers are uncertain regarding whether or not the performance of a product purchased will in fact meet their needs. If they find that the product lacks in quality, advantage, durability etc. , as advertised they might not buy it again, and develop an aversion to every other product of that company. Unethical advertising Advertisement is considered unethical in the following situations; When it has degraded or underestimated the substitute or rival's product. When it gives false or misleading information on the value of the product. When it fails to give useful information on the possible reaction or side effects of the product. When it is immoral. Ways of misleading the consumers: Many a time, traders entice the customers into their stores by advertising goods at a very low price, but they stock only a handful of such sale items in the store. When the advertised goods are sold out, consumers are steered towards the higher-priced stock or lower quality goods. Sale offer should be for a limited period. Advertisement should declare that sale offer is for a limited time period. The period of the offer should be made clear in the advertisement only when the advertised goods are available for a limited period or stocks are limited. Traders often offer insignificant price reduction. To illustrate, a trader may advertise that the price of product is reduced to Rs. 99. 95, when the normal selling price is Rs. 100. The trader must include the normal selling price and discounted price in his offer . The trader sale offer is misleading if the trader claims the product is below cost, when the price is not below cost after discounts, rebates and other allowances it is misleading if the trader simply shows a fictitious higher price as normal selling price in the advertisement. Advertisement must clearly indicate the total price of goods or services. All price comparison must be truthful and must not intentionally or unintentionally mislead the consumers. Under the Fair Trade Practices Act, retailers have an obligation to ensure that they do not mislead or make false representations to customers with respect to price of the goods. The consumers who shop around and compare the prices of various products are less likely to be deceived by misleading claims consumers should also be aware of what is a reasonable price of goods and not take any advertised discounts at face value. While many sales are legitimate or genuine, the consumers should not get attracted to such sales offers i. e. , â€Å"Hurry†¦ very few days remain for sale†. The consumers should be aware of what to expect when retailers place items on sale and how to avoid being misled by discount advertisements. A marketer should take care to ensure that when goods or services are advertised to be available at a discount or as being on sale, it is a genuine discount or sale. Categories of advertisements: Personal ethics Business ethics Human values Societal ethics Personal ethics: Advertisements which shows impact on personal feelings and relations are divided into two categories viz. , ads which convey personal ethics and which do not. Advertisements which convey personal ethics are: HDFC life insurance: This ad tells about personal relationship between father and his daughter. Surf Excel: This ad conveys the student’s affection towards his teacher. Advertisements which do not convey personal ethics are: Mentos: This ad shows declining respect of a student towards his teacher. Close up: This ad degrades the value of friendship. Business ethics: Advertisements which follow the business rules and values are divided into two categories viz. , ads which follow business ethics and which do not. Advertisements which follow business ethics are: Clinic all clear: This ad follows business ethics by only promoting its product. Horlicks: This ad promotes its product by exhibiting its product. Advertisements which do not follow business ethics: Adwars which come under this category are: Coke vs pepsi Rin vs tide Human Values : Advertisements which shows human nature, cultureand behavior are divided into two categories viz. , ads which convey human values and which do not. Advertisements which convey human values are: Airtel: This ad features its promotions by showing the importance of togetherness. Fair and lovely: This ad shows the importance of human values. Advertisements which do not convey human values are: Dairy milk silk: This ad features its promotion by degrading the importance of culture Fair and lovely: This ad shows the impact of beauty on culture Societal ethics : Advertisements which shows responsibilities towards society are divided into two categories viz. , ads which convey societal ethics and which do not. Advertisements which convey societal ethics are: Tata tea : This ad shows the need of public participation and importance of politician towards society Pulser mania : This ad mainly concentrates on promoting itself rather than safety Idea : This partly conveys societal ethics but donot concentrate on the applicability of it There are many other advertisements which show concern towards the society. Some of them are: Aircel, which has taken an initiative to save our national animal by the campaign â€Å"save our tigers† Conclusion: Reputable companies and advertising agencies avoid telling lies. They realize the cost of being caught. A dent in trust can prove to be much costlier than the failure of an ad campaign or for that matter, even a brand. The challenge before advertisers and agencies is to ensure that ads reflect our values. We must endeavor to see that â€Å"advertising† does not remain a dirty word.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

5 Guaranteed Strategies to Getting a Raise

5 Guaranteed Strategies to Getting a Raise You know this is your moment. You’ve bided your time, minded your Ps and Qs, and you’re just waiting for your boss to realize and recognize all your hard work with the raise that you so richly deserve. The trouble is, you’re realizing that you might have to actually prompt him or her for it. Here are five  things to consider when you think it’s time to ask about getting a raise and you want your boss to  up your compensation. Remember: it’s easy as ABCA: Achievement. Show your value, what you’ve done for the company, your excellent performance. B: Brand. Yours and the company’s, and how they fit together, how you are invaluable to the company and everybody knows it. And, C: Campaign. Have as much support as possible. If your colleagues think you deserve a raise, chances are your boss will too.Look to the futureIt’s all well and good to say: here’s what I’ve done for you so far. But go the extra mile and show wh at you still have in you to do, and why that should be worth more to your boss. Make your ongoing personal career development crucial and connected to the development of your company. And keep the conversation on the great things you can achieve working together.Be preparedThat said, it’s also important to have a clear outline of what you have achieved, and what your accomplishments have been so far. Show your boss that you’ve consistently gone above and beyond your job and salary parameters, and have gotten the results. Be prepared also to make your case and still not get the answer you are looking for.Do your homeworkDon’t go in there asking for a 25% pay bump when you know the company is making cuts and no one has gotten more than a 5% raise in the past five years. Do know your value, based on what you’ve done and how you’re situated to do even more. Be realistic about what you can ask for in the current climate of your company. Have a precise a nd reasonable range in mind. Your boss will appreciate this level of attention to what’s possible, and your ability to compromise.Be confidentDo so even if you don’t get the raise. If you’ve done the necessary preparation and have a clear picture of your worth and achievements in your head, it’s still cause to celebrate. It means you and your boss know exactly what you’re worth. This doesn’t mean be arrogant, but do enjoy the new perspective on your unique position and worth within the company.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Gender Differences and Roles essays

Gender Differences and Roles essays How Gender Differences and Roles are Changing Today As the years have gone on we have seen many changes in the differences and roles of the genders in our society. The Spartans of ancient Greece for example had the woman as stay at home moms to parent future warriors, but they had to participate in many athletic activities because they thought a strong mother would give birth to a strong child. However, the men were the fighters and were kept very close to each other to the point of homosexual relationships forming. Even today though we tend to still classify the genders under certain roles no matter what science has to say. I read an article About Gender: Differences by J. Bland. The author starts out by stating that try as much as we like men and women are different. He is quick to point out though that everyone is different, so why bother worrying? The difference is so strong apparently that it is one of the most important things we look for in a person. After the introduction he starts going into various theories about gender roles and differences. He disproves a few things along the way like: There are studies about relative abilities of perception, vision sound and touch. Certainly, if you watched a carpenter run his fingers along a planed surface and being able to tell how "true" it was, you would find it difficult to believe that boys lack tactile sensitivity. He goes on to say that men are seen as stronger of the two genders, but the fact is that overall women are stronger. They can fight off viruses better, can sustain trauma better; have better endurance, and live longer. This is why they make not only good protectors for a child while its in the womb, but also after its born. Men on the other hand dont as good protectors for the young do to their more aggressive nature and may put a child in harm. This is thinking on a nature level though. The biggest difference the aut...